Easing Nausea and Vomiting Using Aromatherapy

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Simple acute vomiting that may occur following dietary or alcoholic indiscretion or the morning sickness for early pregnancy may require little or no treatment. In some cases, nausea and vomiting are common symptoms that may arise from a gastrointestinal virus attack or it can also be associated with systemic illnesses such as diabetes, liver diseases or kidney failure.

Causes of Nausea

Nausea and vomiting are not diseases. However, they are symptoms of other conditions such as:

  • Food poisoning 
  • Overeating
  • Bulimia Nervosa or other psychological illnesses
  • Anxiety or emotional stress 
  • Early stages of pregnancy
  • Heart attack
  • Motion sickness or seasickness

Ease Nausea with Essential Oils

Some useful oils for nausea, vomiting, digestion and motion sickness are:

Try using these essential oils with any one of these methods below:

Warm Compress
Use a herbal compress that is infused with traditional herbs and essential oils in a ball. Warm up the herbal compress ball in a herbal compress warmer and apply it onto your abdomen area in light pressure.
Add a few drops (6-8drops) of essential oils into a bowl of boiled water, cover your head with a towel over the bowl and place your head over the bowl of steamed water. Inhale through your nose and out through your mouth for five counts. Then reduce the inhales and exhales to two counts. Repeat for 10 minutes or for as long as the water is still steaming.
Dilute approximately 2-3% of essential oils into your preferred carrier oil. Use this massage oil to massage on to your temples or the back of your neck. If you are travelling and you experience motion sickness, keep a roll-on bottle in your bag for a quick sniff to quell the nauseousness.



Teas for Nausea and Vomiting

Some teas are great for stopping nausea and one of them is ginger tea. Ginger tea helps to neutralize stomach acid by increasing digestive secretions. It relaxes the stomach muscles and sedates an overly-reactive stomach. Fresh ginger tea can be easily DIY at home by boiling slice ginger over 5 minutes. Then strain out and add some honey to sweeten the spiciness.

Other teas that are useful to curb nauseousness are Chamomile Tea, Peppermint Tea, Spearmint Tea, Lemon Balm Tea and Tumeric Tea. 
